Element Access Examples

Suman Barik

// C++ program to illustrate the

// element access in vector

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main()


vector<int> g1;

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

g1.push_back(i * 10);

cout << "\nReference operator [g] : g1[2] = " << g1[2];

cout << "\nat : g1.at(4) = " << g1.at(4);

cout << "\nfront() : g1.front() = " << g1.front();

cout << "\nback() : g1.back() = " << g1.back();

// pointer to the first element

int* pos = g1.data();

cout << "\nThe first element is " << *pos;

return 0;



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