C++ code to demonstrate a 2D Vector (Method 2)

Suman Barik

/* C++ code to demonstrate a 2D vector

with elements(vectors) inside it. */

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()



Below we initialize a 2D vector

named "vect" on line 12 and then

we declare the values on

line 14, 15 and 16 respectively.


vector<vector<int>> vect


{1, 2, 3},

{4, 5, 6},

{7, 8, 9}



Now we print the values that

we just declared on lines

14, 15 and 16 using a simple

nested for loop with the help of iterator.



vector<vector<int>> vect

We can divide this declaration to two parts, which will

help us to understand the below concepts.

1. vect is a 2D vector consisting multiple elements of type vector<int>.

2. vector<int> is a 1D vector consisting of multiple int data.

So we can use iterator provided by STL instead of

i,j variable used in for loop. It can reduce the error which can

happen wrt to i, j operations(i++, j++)

In the below code we are using iterator to access the vector elements.

1. We are getting vect1D vectors of type vector<int> from the 2D vector vect.

2. We are getting int elements to x from the vector<int> vect 1D vector.


for (vector<int> vect1D : vect)


for (int x : vect1D)


cout << x << " ";


cout << endl;


return 0;



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